Temperature °C |
Date or compared to 1971-2000 average |
Mean Maximum |
26.1 |
+4.2 |
Mean Minimum |
14.3 |
+1.7 |
Monthly Mean |
20.2 |
+2.9 |
Highest Maximum |
37.9 |
10th (Record) |
Lowest Maximum |
18.8 |
29th |
Highest Minimum |
18.6 |
6th |
Lowest Minimum |
7.7 |
30th |
Lowest Grass Min |
5.6 |
31st |
Wind mph |
Mean wind speed |
3.3 |
Strongest Gust |
24 |
Date |
10th |
Dominant Direction |
E |
Direction at 0900 |
N |
NE |
E |
SE |
S |
SW |
W |
NW |
No of mornings |
9 |
0 |
10 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
6 |
2 |
2 |
Precipitation mm |
Date or compared to 1971-2000 average |
Monthly Total |
8.3 |
16% |
Wettest Day |
5.2 |
28th |
Rain Days (>0.2mm) |
4 |
Wet Days (>1mm) |
3 |
Sunshine hours |
Monthly Total |
248.8 |
% Average |
134 |
Days with no sun |
1 |
Sunniest day |
14.42 |
Date |
2nd |
Number of days with |
Air Frost |
0 |
Ground Frost |
0 |
Snow/sleet falling (0000-2400GMT) |
0 |
>50% snow cover at 0900 |
0 |
Fog at 0900 (vis <1000m) |
0 |
Thunder heard |
2 |
Hail <5mm diameter |
0 |
Hail > 5mm diameter |
0 |
Miscellaneous Data |
Mean Relative Humidity at 0900 (%) |
66 |
Mean Air Pressure at 0900 (mb) |
1019.0 |
Lowest Pressure |
1005 |
Date |
29th |
Highest Pressure |
1025 |
Date |
4th |
Hours of air frost |
0 |
Mean soil temp °C (20cm
depth) |
20.0 |
Greatest snow depth (0900) |
n/a |
Date |