The August 2003 Heatwave


37.9°C or 100.2°F

Highest temperature recorded since records began here in 1979

Weather display shows 37.9°C/100.2°F


August 2003 saw one of the most notable heatwaves to affect the British Isles, particularly southern and eastern districts of England. For Epping the month as a whole was the second warmest August since records began in 1979 whilst the average maximum temperature was the highest since records began in 1979. The most notable feature of August 2003 was the record beaking warmth on Sunday 10th when the maximum temperature reached 37.9°C (100.2°F) at 1400hrs GMT. The highest temperature recorded on 10th August 2003 was 38.5°C at Brogdale Horticultural Trust near Faversham in Kent. Other notable maximum temperatures that day were 38.1°C at Ickleford (Herts), Gravesend, Kent and Kew Gardens. 37.9°C at Heathrow, 37.8°C at Wisley (Surrey) and Enfield, 37.7°C at Northolt and 37.6°C at the Met Office London and St James's Park..
UK Met Office article on high temperatures
Daily trace of temperature,rainfall and wind direction

Daily trace of temperature, rainfall and wind direction 10/08/2003.

Note the rapid fall in temperature between 5pm and 6.15pm. This was accompanied by a heavy thundery shower and a change in wind direction from Westerly to Easterly

Weather Chart for 1200GMT on 10th August 2003
Satellite Picture for 1200GMT on 10th August 2003
Weather chart for 1200GMT 10/08/2003
Satellite Picture for 1200GMT on 10/08/2003
Daily maximum and minimum temperature trace for August 2003
Daily maximum and minimum temperature trace for August 2003.The mean maximum of 26.1°C was 4.2° above normal and the mean minimum of 14.3°C was 1.7° above normal. Although the average maximum temperature was the highest since records began in 1979 this was only the second warmest August since 1979.
Only four days of rain (blue columns on the chart) made this the second driest August since 1979.
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